Error %s file %s, rc = %d Error getting directory name, rc = %d. Catalog %s is already loaded. Catalog already exists. To update the catalog, use Update under the Catalog Menu. Error deleting Catalog %s, rc = Error renaming Catalog %s, rc = Error, disk %s was not inserted. Error writing file, rc = Error creating file, rc = Error opening file, rc = Error writing to catalog, rc = %d. Error creating preferences file, rc = %d. Error opening preferences file, rc = %d. You have checked the Creator box but have not entered a Creator. You have checked the Name box but have not entered a Name. Catalogs must be created before you can perform the requested function. Name conflict, file already exists with same name as disk. No disks were selected Error creating catalog file, rc = %d Error reading volume information, rc = %d Error reading catalog entry, rc = %d Unable to open file %s Out of memory